How to transition your dog to Doggy Grub

How to transition your dog to Doggy Grub

So you've decided to make the switch to Doggy Grub?

Congratulations! You're about to notice some real changes to your dog's health and wellbeing!

While you wait for your first parcel to arrive, take a look at our guide to transition your dog smoothly to their new meal plan.

Unlike us, dogs need time to adapt to new foods. So if you're looking at introducing new ingredients or a new food to your dog's diet, the key is to take it slow!

If you've always fed kibble and want to introduce fresh food, you can start by wetting down the dry biscuits progressively with a little bit of water, to get your dog used to a moist texture.

Once you have received your Doggy Grub, we recommend introducing it to your dog’s diet slowly, by mixing it with their old food, and slowly increasing the amount over a period of 8 days. This will prevent tummy upset. 

It's also a good idea to use probiotics to support the transition period.

Transitioning to a full diet with Doggy Grub:

If you wish to switch your dog's food to Doggy Grub only:

Days1-3: 25% Doggy Grub, 75% other food.

Days 4-6: 50% Doggy Grub, 50% other food.

Days 7-8: 75% Doggy Grub, 25% other food.

Day 9: 100% Doggy Grub..

Dogs with sensitive stomachs may need a longer transition period.

For a meal topper with Doggy Grub, transition over 3-4 days.

If you wish to mix Doggy Grub with other foods:

Days 1-2: 25% of Doggy Grub, 75% other food.

Days 3-4: 50% of the new food, 50% other food.

When transitioning to a new food, it is normal to see a change in your pup's stools. Don't be alarmed!

If #2s are loose, revert back to using less Doggy Grub until the stomach adapts.

Fussy Eater?

We have also noticed that some picky eaters will initially show great enthusiasm for the food, then stop eating it after a few days. This comes from the fact that dogs are naturally cautious about new things. They need reassurance from the "leader" of the pack (that's you!)  that this food is safe to eat.

While we know it can be frustrating, do not despair and keep trying! Your dog will soon become confident this is safe to eat. Only offer the bowl for 10minutes at a time. If your dog refuses to eat it, take it away until the next meal time.

Fight the urge to offer high value treats to compensate, or your dog will learn that they can get a reward for this behaviour.

Well done for being your dog's best advocate!


If you have any questions or want more information on how to transition, don't hesitate to contact our team at

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